Past Event

From index to impact? Process tracing the policy impact of the Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index (HANCI)

10 November 2016 13:00–14:30

Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 9RE

In this seminar, we will discuss how a process-tracing approach was adopted to explore the policy impact of the Hunger And Nutrition Commitment Index.

Progress on reducing global hunger and malnutrition is increasingly seen to be an outcome of a political process as much as of (nutrition) technical interventions. Responding to this insight, a range of international benchmarks, scorecard tools and ‘indicators’ have proliferated, seeking to promote greater accountability for hunger and nutrition. Yet, can ‘indicators’ have policy impact? Through what means? How do we know, given that methods to assess impact are in their infancy?

In this seminar, we will discuss how a process-tracing approach was adopted to explore the policy impact of the Hunger And Nutrition Commitment Index. HANCI has developed instruments to assess political commitment and tracks government efforts to reduce hunger and undernutrition in 45 high burden countries. The analysis presents and tests a causal mechanism that links research evidence to policy impact, reflects on the pros and cons of employing a process tracing approach, and considers if and how ‘indicators’ can have greater impact.



  • Jim Sumberg, Fellow, Institute of Development Studies



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Key contacts

Dolf J.H. te Lintelo

Research Fellow and Cities Cluster Leader

+44 (0)1273 915767


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