
David Leonard

David Leonard

Visiting Fellow

Formerly Dean of International and Area Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, Professor Leonard has spent his career, dating back to 1963, working on governance issues in sub-Saharan Africa. He has lived for over a dozen years in four African countries and done short-term work in another 17.

His graduate teaching and supervision of doctoral candidates (of which he has had over 60) have covered governance issues in the whole of the developing world. The theme underlying most of his work has been methods of improving the delivery of public services in the rural areas of Africa, both directly through managerial and policy reform and indirectly through partnerships with private actors. He has contributed to organisation theory, the New Institutional Economics, and comparative politics and administration.


French (working knowledge), Swahili (basic)

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Elections and the Role of the International Community

This DFID-funded project gathered evidence from DR Congo, Kenya, Nigeria and Sierra Leone to improve the understanding of senior international policy makers and practitioners on how best to provide support before, during and after elections in contexts seeking to establish legitimate governments.


Journal Article


IDS Bulletin Vol. 45 Nos. 5

The articles in this IDS Bulletin were prepared by researchers at IDS and other research institutions for the World Bank’s Low Income Countries Under Stress (LICUS) unit at the World Bank. They were prepared as part of a research project on ‘turnaround’ in fragile states entitled ‘How...

10 August 2018