
Gender and Sexuality

Published on 1 January 2007

Sexuality can bring misery through sexual violence, HIV/AIDS, maternal mortality, female genital mutilation, or marginalisation of those who break the rules, such as non-macho men, single women, widows who re-marry, sex workers, people with same-sex sexualities, and transgender people. Sexuality can also bring joy, affirmation, intimacy and well-being. How can we make possible more joy and less misery?

This Cutting Edge Pack hopes to inspire thinking on this question – with an Overview Report outlining key issues on gender, sexuality and sexual rights in the current climate, a Supporting Resources Collection providing summaries of key texts, tools, case studies and contacts of organisations in this field, and a Gender and Development In Brief newsletter with three short articles on the theme.

Publication details

published by
Esplen, E., Ilkkaracan, P. and Jolly, S.
BRIDGE Cutting Edge Pack
1 85864 631 6


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