
LANSA Policy Brief 2

Markets for Nutrition

Published on 1 March 2015

Making safe, nutrient-rich foods more accessible for people on low-incomes is one way to reduce micronutrient undernutrition. Efforts to integrate better agriculture and nutrition are focused on this goal, and many initiatives target low-income farm households.

Examples of this approach include distribution of orange fleshed sweet potato vines, and promotion of home gardens and schemes to increase the production and consumption of nutrient-rich foods by farm households. In South Asia, a large proportion of the poorest people depend on agriculture for their livelihoolds, so farm-based initiatives are important.

However, it is increasingly recognised that most low-income households buy some or all of their food in markets. Even farm households frequently buy some of their foods in markets and dependence on markets for obtaining food is even greater for rural non-farm, landless and urban households. In addition, public agencies often acquire food for distribution to low-income households through markets.

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Humphrey, J. and Zuberi, S. (2015) Markets for Nutrition, LANSA Policy Brief 2. Brighton: LANSA.


John Humphrey

Professorial Fellow

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Humphrey, J. and Zuberi, S.
LANSA Policy Brief, issue 2


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