
Evidence Report 26

The HANCI Donor Index 2012: Measuring Donors’ Political Commitment to Reduce Hunger and Undernutrition in Developing Countries

Published on 1 September 2013

Following a first phase of research that focused on developing countries, this second phase of the Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index (HANCI) scrutinises donor government commitment to reducing hunger and undernutrition in developing countries.

The HANCI Donor Index uniquely compares 23 donor countries for their relative performance in key areas contributing to hunger and undernutrition reduction. It uses 14 commitment indicators assessing donor spending and policy choices relating to agriculture, food security, nutrition, social protection, gender equity, climate change, and trade.

The HANCI is calculated using secondary (government-owned) data. The report further presents findings from primary research in four donor countries: Germany, Ireland, the UK and the Netherlands.

Since publishing this report amendments have been made to the data. An erratum can be found here, and an amended Executive Summary can be viewed here.

Cite this publication

te Lintelo, D.J.H., Haddad, L.J. and Lakshman, R. (2013) 'The HANCI Donor Index 2012: Measuring Donors' Political Commitment to Reduce Hunger and Undernutrition in Developing Countries', IDS Evidence Report 26, Brighton: IDS


Dolf J.H. te Lintelo

Research Fellow and Cities Cluster Leader

Lawrence Haddad

Honorary Associate

Rajith Lakshman

Research Fellow

Karine Gatellier

Nutrition Convenor

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published by
te Lintelo, D., Haddad, L., Lakshman, R. and Gatellier, K.
IDS Evidence Report, issue 26


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