
Utilising Electricity Access for Poverty Reduction – Full report

Published on 24 January 2015

Practical Action Consulting, with the Institute of Development Studies and the Energy and Resources Institute of India, has recently completed a DFID-funded project into the links between electricity access, productive uses of electricity, and poverty reduction. In particular, the study sought to explore relationships between different levels of electricity access and impacts and to map out the enabling factors and constraints to the provision, take up and productive use of electricity access.

The research concentrated on two case study countries – India and Kenya – where the findings of a programme of field research were analysed in the context of a supporting review of policy and regulation and a consultation of stakeholders involved in electricity access provision. A literature review generated insight into the findings of previous sutdies regarding productive uses of electricity and poverty impacts, and was used to inform the design of the case study research.


Publication details

published by
Practical Action Publishing
Willcox, M.; Waters, L.; Wanjiru, H; Pueyo, A.; Hanna, R.; Palit, D. and Rahul Shama, K.


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