Journal Article

Global Health Action 10.4

Working with Community Health Workers to Improve Maternal and Newborn Health Outcomes: Implementation and Scale-Up Lessons from Eastern Uganda

Published on 29 August 2017

Preventable maternal and newborn deaths can be averted through simple evidence-based interventions, such as the use of community health workers (CHWs), also known in Uganda as village health teams. However, the CHW strategy faces implementation challenges regarding training packages, supervision, and motivation. This paper explores knowledge levels of CHWs, describes the coverage of home visits, and shares lessons learnt from setting up and implementing the CHW strategy.

CHWs are an important resource in community-based health information and improving demand for MNH services. However, the CHW training and supervision models require strengthening for improved performance. Local solutions regarding CHW motivation are necessary for sustainability.

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Namazzi, G., Okuga, M., Tetui, M., Muhumuza Kananura, R., Kakaire, A., Namutamba, S., Mutebi, A., Namusoke Kiwanuka, S., Ekirapa-Kiracho, E. and Waiswa, P., 2017. Working with community health workers to improve maternal and newborn health outcomes: implementation and scale-up lessons from eastern Uganda. Global Health Action, 10(sup4), p.1345495.

Publication details

Namazzi, G. et al.
Global Health Action, volume 10, issue 4


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