This seminar discusses the main themes of the recently published IDS Bulletin 49.2, ‘Accountability for Health Equity: Galvanising a Movement for Universal Health Coverage’.
The themes this seminar will talk about are:
- the nature of accountability politics ‘in time’ and the cyclical aspects of efforts towards accountability for health equity
- the contested politics of ‘naming’ and measuring accountability, and the intersecting dimensions of marginalisation and exclusion that are missing from current debates
- the shifting nature of power in global health and new configurations of health actors, social contracts, and the role of technology.
This Bulletin issue is an output of the Accountability for Health Equity programme, supported by the ESRC-DFID Unequal Voices project, the DFID Future Health Systems research programme consortium, and grants from the Open Society Foundation and the ESRC-DFID Impact Initiative.
Which is funded by ESRC-DFID and is a collaboration between IDS, N’weti in Mozambique and Cebrap in Brazil.
- Erica Nelson, IDS
- Denise Namburet, N’weti
- Vera Schattan Coelho Cebrap
- Discussant: Gerry Bloom, IDS