IDS students have come together to organise the first ever TEDxIDS event. Exploring the theme of “Building Back Better, but Different”, this event will feature different talks to understand what post-Covid development looks like. The talks will cover a range of topics, from the gender dynamics in the WASH sector to how development can be more inclusive and more. All speakers are from the IDS community, students, staff and alumni:
- Terry Cannon, Research Fellow, IDS
- Sahara Basnet, MA Gender and Development Studies student (2019-2020), IDS
- Ejiro Okotie, MA Development Studies student (2019-2020), IDS
- Dr. Jody Aked, PhD Development Studies (2012-2018), IDS; Currently Director | Designer of Happiness at Friday Pulse
This is a student led and organised event and will be held online. For more details about the event check out the event and social media pages:
TEDxIDS event page –
TEDxIDS Instagram –
TEDxIDS Twitter –