Contested Agronomy 2016 is a conference about the battlefields in agricultural research, past and present.
For full details, visit the conference website.
Fee: £150 (a limited number of grants are available for participants based in developing countries)
The call for contributions for this event has now closed.
The book Contested Agronomy: Agricultural Research in a Changing World, published in 2012 in the STEPS Centre’s Pathways to Sustainability series, outlined a new ‘political agronomy’ approach.
Political agronomy studies the relationships and processes which link political, economic and social forces and factors to the creation and use of agronomic knowledge and technology. It differs from other (apolitical) studies of scientific and technical change in agriculture by examining asymmetric power relations, contestation and struggle.
In our call for contributions, we particularly sought for case studies of historical or present day significance to the developing world. These might address contestations beyond the traditional bounds of agronomy – around environmental, socio-economic, political and systemic issues.
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This conference is supported by the ESRC STEPS Centre and hosted by the Institute of Development Studies, the Plant Production Systems Group, Wageningen University and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT).