The Ghana E-Levy, implemented on 1 May 2022, is a hot and highly contentious topic in the country. As a research programme, DIGITAX seeks to better understand how the E-Levy came about, how it has been implemented, and what its impacts may be. The aim of this webinar is to begin a well-informed conversation, open to a Ghanaian and international audience, which leads to a better understanding of the tax’ design, its implementation, its effects as experienced by different parts of society, and ultimately what the tax’s implications for other countries in similar situations may be.
What is the E-Levy and how is it being discussed in Ghana? How has it come about and why has it become the subject of debate?
Who is affected by it and how? Has it affected people’s everyday life in a meaningful way? Are users of e-services changing their behaviours? Have users encountered any difficulties due to the E-Levy? What, if anything, would they like to see change?
The webinar will be moderated by:
- Dr Wilson Prichard – Executive Director, International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) and Chair of the African Property Tax Initiative (APTI)
The guest speakers will be:
- Dr Benjamin Amoah – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Finance, University of Ghana Business School
- Dorcas Ansah – Director of WIEGO Ghana
- Chris Wales – ICTD consultant working as a Senior Research Advisor for the DIGITAX programme
- Abdul Karim Ibrahim – Broadcast Journalist, Ghana