Aruna Rao Executive Director, Gender at Work and Joanne Sandler, former Deputy Executive Director of UNIFEM (now UN Women) will deliver a Sussex Development Lecture on their work as scholar-activists and activist research that can change how organisations address issues of gender.
About the Speakers
Aruna Rao, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Gender at Work is a gender and development expert with over 30 years’ experience in pioneering new approaches to gender and institutional change. She has led the Boards of Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) and CIVICUS and served on the Board of the UN Democracy Fund.
She has consulted widely with UN organizations, academic institutions, and development NGOs on gender & development and organizational change issues, and written extensively on gender and institutional change, including Gender at Work co-authored with David Kelleher and Rieky Stuart and published by Kumarian Press in 1999.
Joanne Sandler was former Deputy Executive Director of UNIFEM and was a member of the transition team that supported the creation of UN Women. She is a Senior Associate of Gender at Work and a Board member of Breakthrough, Just Associates, and Women Win. Joanne consults with private and public foundations, multilateral organizations and women’s organizations and networks. She has been exploring how feminists change bureaucracies and how bureaucracies change feminists, most recently in her article in the Oxford Handbook of Transnational Feminist Movements (Harcourt/Baksh, 2015).
This lecture will be chaired by Andrea Cornwall, Director, Global Studies, University of Sussex.