Why study development?
Laurie Lee from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation asks why study development at this Sussex Development Lecture. Lecture followed by drinks reception. All welcome
Laurie Lee from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation asks why study development at this Sussex Development Lecture. Lecture followed by drinks reception. All welcome
Hege Hertzberg examine the challenges faced by policymakers in balancing a commitment to employing knowledge based approaches to developing policy with complex political realities. All welcome
Join us for the Hans Singer Memorial Lecture given by Professor Jan Pronk, former Minister of Development Cooperation in the Netherlands and Deputy General Secretary, UNCTAD.
Conflict, Violence and Development Seminar Series
Dr Lyndsay McLean Hilker will be discussing the role of 'ethnicity' in 'ethnic' violence in Rwanda.
Mariz Tadros's lecture will be based on her recently released book 'Democracy redefined or confined?: The Muslim Brotherhood in Contemporary Egypt'.
Conflict, Violence and Development Seminar Series
Dr Catherine Mueller presents her analysis on both the impact of violence on income expectations, and the relationship between aspirations failure and conflict dynamics
Stephen Devereux will explore some of the key findings from the recent World Committee Food Security Report
Conflict, Violence and Development Seminar Series
Christophe Jaffrelot, Senior Research Fellow at CERI-Sciences Po/CNRSCERI-Sciences Po/CNRS Paris presentation followed by questions and a discussion. All welcome.
Geoffrey Dennis from Care International reflects on the opportunities and challenges of working with the private sector on sustainable development issues.
Hear more about the Labour party's international development policy from the Shadow Secretary of State for International Development.
Conflict, Violence and Development Seminar Series
Dr Mutuma Ruteere, UN Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, discusses 'taking neoliberalism seriously' and the market regulatory responses to gangs and militias in Kenya
Conflict, Violence and Development Seminar Series
Dr Clionadh Raleigh from Trinity College Dublin discusses militias and the new geography of violence across African states.