NGO Forum event at the 61st Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
As women join the work force in greater numbers while carrying most of the care responsibilities, there time and energy is stretched playing a dual role as breadwinners and caregivers. How to generate a double boon: access to quality paid work for women and support to care responsibilities?
This panel will discuss the landscape of care dynamics across the globe presenting evidence from the Counting Women’s Work project, which measures the economic value of unpaid care work done by women and men.
Panelists from the Institute of Development Studies and McGill will present findings from India, Nepal, Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya on the reorganisation on unpaid care work, and their assessments of the impact that childcare arrangements have on women’s economic empowerment.
If you are going to CSW61 please join us. If not you can follow the debate via #CSW61 #unpaidcare and @GrOW4Women on Twitter or email us your comments and thoughts.