The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) potentially offer an inclusive, integrated approach to development, centred on social justice, for all of humanity. But how are they being implemented in practice? Too often a piece-meal, sectoral approach is adopted, rooted in modernist assumptions of linear transition and control.
Drawing on the work of the ESRC STEPS Centre, this lecture offers a more radical vision of transformatory change, putting power and politics centre-stage. It will link the STEPS pathways approach with sustainable livelihoods perspectives to suggest a framework for thinking about and acting on transformations to sustainability for the SDGs. Drawing on examples from Argentina, Kenya, the UK and Zimbabwe, and differentiating structural, systemic and enabling perspectives on transformation, the talk will emphasise the need to foster a new politics for sustainability.
This lecture is part of the Sussex Development Lecture series: Achieving the SDGs: Synergies and Tensions.
Ian Scoones, IDS researcher and co-director of the STEPS Centre
This lecture was streamed live to the IDS Facebook page.