
Calling out workplace sexual harassment in Ugandan markets

Published on 13 October 2021

Recently, as part of the Gendered Price of Precarity project, youth researchers have been looking into the experiences of women working in Ugandan markets.

The emerging findings from the project show that most women working in markets in Uganda have no platforms for power and their voices are usually not included at the management level when decisions are made.

This lack of representation means women struggle to address issues they face during their day-to-day life at work, including workplace sexual harassment. After hearing the stories shared by market workers, the project’s youth research team have produced the video below to raise awareness of workplace sexual harassment.

The video is also available with titles in Luganda on the Institute for Social Transformation YouTube channel.

Alongside sharing the video via WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, the youth research team have also been distributing aprons and bangles to market workers with campaign messages in English and Luganda, such as ‘stop sexual harassment’ and ‘my body is not a playground’.

A collection of green and black plastic bracelets saying 'stop sexual harassment'
Credit: Atuhaire Shinah (youth researcher)
Five women and two men are in a market, wearing face masks. The women are wearing aprons that read 'stop sexual harassment' and 'my body is not a playground'.
Market workers wearing aprons distributed by the youth research team. Credit: Edgar Arinaitwe (youth researcher)

Find out more in the project’s recent blog ‘How socialisation reinforces workplace sexual harassment in informal markets‘.

The youth research team comprises of Abdul Ssewanyana, Edgar Arinaitwe, Atuhaire Shinah, Namuyiga Jovia and Tuhaise Jesca. 

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