A large number of technological innovations aimed at addressing different health-related problems have emerged in recent years. How can we leverage the transformational potential of these innovations and accelerate progress towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in low and middle-income countries in Asia and Africa? This is the question at the core of the Innovations for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) event taking place in Bangalore, India, on 11 – 12 June.
In the context of the 40th anniversary of Alma Ata and the year of Universal Health Coverage, IDS is joining forces with Amref Health Africa and PHFI – and technical partners Health Systems Global and NITI Aayog (the National Institution for Transforming India) – to launch the Innovations for UHC Collaboration in Bangalore in June. The event also aligns with two important policy priorities for India. Namely the Government’s progress on Universal Health Coverage through the National Health Protection Scheme and the National Institution for Transforming India’s (Niti Ayog) Atal Innovation Mission and Atal Incubation Centres, which are fostering indigenous innovation across various platforms, including health.
Scaling up health innovations
The aim of this conclave – the first of its kind – is to bridge capacity-gaps, initiate a south-south dialogue and identify factors facilitating adoption, usage and scaling of health innovations in low and middle-income countries. It will bring together technology innovators, investors, government officials and public and private sector health service providers to consider practical strategies for transforming health care delivery in Asia and Africa. It will also provide an opportunity for dialogue between public and private sectors, between health and other sectors and between innovators and government officials from India and Africa.
Taking outcomes to HSR2018 and beyond
The outcomes of this event will be shared during a side event – the Health Systems Global Thematic Working Group on Private Sector Pre-symposium Satellite Session on “Engaging with Private Sector for UHC: What we Have Learned” – at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2018) in October. Discussions will then continue at a session during the Africa Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC2019) planned for March 5-7, 2019 in Kigali, Rwanda. The conference will convene policymakers, private sector leaders, researchers, advocates, journalists and young people to discuss how to achieve UHC in Africa.
Register for the event
At IDS, we are thrilled to be working with partners to push this exciting agenda forward and contribute to the global movement for UHC. Please visit the event’s website for more information about the event or to register.