Ahead of the fourth Global Symposia on Health Systems Research (HSR2016) hosted by Health Systems Global (HSG) in Canada, November, the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) has taken on the role to provide communications for HSG and the Global Symposia.
As the global health community grapples with challenges related to the Zika virus, resistance to antibiotics and the strengthening of health systems and in the lead up to HSR2016, IDS has joined HSG at an important and exciting time.
Engaging with Health Systems Global to shape health agendas
While the health landscape evolves and changes on a daily basis, the IDS team will be responsive to global challenges, crises and questions – drawing in and sharing expert knowledge to inform and shape processes. As a means to feed directly into critical agenda setting and shaping of health systems, the communications team will be an active group, regularly engaging with key bodies within the HSG and with partners and influential health organisations.
To harness the knowledge and expertise within Secretariat, Board, IDS will be working closely with these leading bodies of HSG to develop communications, share messages and engage with members and the global community. Integral to the successful communications will also be the ongoing relationship building with the HSG members, and working closely with the Thematic Working Groups (TWG) to contribute and develop the communications of HSG.
Bringing together Health Systems Global and IDS
HSG is a membership organisation that aims to build globally connected health systems research and policy communities contribute for better health, equity and wellbeing. It convenes researchers, policymakers and implementers from around the world to develop the field of health systems research and unleash their collective capacity to create, share and apply knowledge to strengthen health systems.
The vision and mission of HSG clearly aligns with IDS’ vision. Fundamental to IDS’ approach is that cutting-edge research, knowledge and evidence are crucial in shaping the changes that the world needs to see.
Health Systems Research Global Symposia 2016
A primary activity for the IDS communications team, will be the support and promotion of the HSR2016, which this year is focusing on creating ‘resilient and responsive health systems for a changing world’. Health Systems Global organises a symposium every two years to bring together its members with the full range of players involved in health systems and policy research.
This is an opportune time to remind to remind practitioners, policymakers and research that the call for abstracts for the symposium is open until 20 March. The Symposium welcomes abstracts and proposals from those researching, and practicing within the development and health sectors.