
Chloe Skinner

Chloe Skinner

Research Fellow

Chloe Skinner is a Research Fellow in the Power and Popular Politics Cluster at IDS. Her research interests transect and weave together intersectional feminism and queer theory, embodiment and affect, contesting coloniality – specifically the material and epistemological dimensions of settler colonial violence – and the broader context of backlash amid intersecting global crises. Geographically, she has specific expertise and experience working in colonised Palestine.

Her forthcoming book will be published by Cambridge University Press in the Middle East Studies Series, entitled ‘Occupier and Occupied: Israel, Palestine and Masculinities across the Divide’. With a focus on the gendered politics of settler colonialism, Chloe explores the fluidity and interconnected nature of masculinities within this specific setting, indicating that what is hailed as ‘the ideal’ is ever subject to change amid complex webs of power, colonisation and hetero-patriarchy.

Chloe works on the Countering the Backlash: Reclaiming Gender Justice programme at IDS – examining the current global tide of backlash against feminism and progressive politics more broadly –co-leads an AHRC funded project exploring embodied processes of resistance at the nexus of overlapping forms of violence in Iraq and Palestine, and a BA funded project examining backlash against – and the struggle for – queer liberation in Palestine and Lebanon. She teaches on the MA Gender and Development programme as both a lecturer and a tutor.

Before joining IDS, Chloe worked for Airwars and Drone Wars as a researcher, and was an activist in Palestine for two years previous to this work.



Countering Backlash: Reclaiming Gender Justice

Global progress on gender equality is under threat. We are living in an age where major political and social shifts are resulting in new forces that are visibly pushing back to reverse the many gains made for women’s rights and to shrink civic space. This patriarchal backlash is escalating...



In the face of genocide, the intifada must be globalised 

On 7 November 2023, the death toll in Gaza surpassed 10,000 as the most brutal military assault in contemporary history continues to unfold. Now impossible to update following the collapse of services and communications in the north, this figure had risen to 11,078 by November 10th, with...

15 November 2023


Contextualising Gaza: Colonial violence and Occupation

“We are at war”, stated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a recorded statement early on Saturday morning, and “we will win it”. While the unprecedented events of 7 October - constituting ‘the worst breach of Israel’s defences in 50 years’ - precipitated a declaration of...

Chloe Skinner
Chloe Skinner & 2 others

13 October 2023



Understanding Gender Backlash: Southern Perspectives

IDS Bulletin 55.1

Far from seeing continued steady progress on gender equality, we are currently witnessing significant backlash against gender and sexual rights. Limited and hard-fought gains for some are being reversed, co-opted, and dismantled – all amplified through new social media and digital...

7 March 2024


Grasping Patriarchal Backlash: A Brief for Smarter Countermoves

Nearly three decades ago the UN World Conference on Women at Beijing appeared to be uniting the international community around the most progressive platform for women’s rights in history. Instead of steady advancement, we have seen uneven progress, backsliding, co-option, and a recent rising...

15 January 2023

Chloe Skinner’s recent work

Past Event

Counting the cost: funding flows, gender backlash and counter backlash

Major political and social shifts are stifling the possibility of gender justice across the world. Analysing this backlash as operating on global, regional and local scales in this webinar, we ask, where is the money? Watch now While predominant...

12 December 2023