
Pro-Poor Electricity Provision Programme

start date

5 March 2012

end date

31 March 2015

The UN Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change has called for a goal of universal energy access by 2030. Approximately 1.4 billion people still lack access to electricity, most of them living in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Boys play football next to electricity pylons in Orange Farm.

This programme developed and promoted evidence-based policy and programme guidance on low-carbon energy investments to benefit poor people, especially women and girls.

The programme began by systematically mapping evidence on the developmental impacts of expanding access to modern forms of energy. On the basis of this review, IDS then identified which policy approaches work best and worked with energy access programmes to evaluate and promote specific interventions.

The programme was led by Ana Pueyo.


Recent work


Financing Universal Access to Electricity

IDS Policy Briefing 99

The recent emphasis on the provision of modern energy services as an important ingredient for development has improved finance availability for the goal of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL).

8 September 2015


Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy: Outputs April 2014 – March 2015

In much writing about development, policy and practice are portrayed as if they are joined at the hip. Policy shapes practice, while learning from practice informs policy processes. In this portrayal, practice is usually understood to refer to development practice, or how development programmes...

21 August 2015


Pro-Poor Access to Green Electricity in Kenya

Is Kenya on track to follow an electrification strategy that is green and pro-poor? What are the main challenges to following this path? The two questions guiding this study are particularly relevant in a country with exceptional renewable energy resources, but where 80 per cent of the...

20 May 2015