
Addressing Synergies and Trade-Offs between Goals for Climate-Resilient Agricultural Systems

Can agricultural systems in some of world’s poorest countries be made climate compatible? SDG goals draw attention to the interdependence between food and agriculture and the climate system, reflected also in increasingly powerful global discourses such as ‘Climate Smart Agriculture’. Yet beyond technical ‘fixes’, there are few clues on how to effectively address the governance challenges inherent in the inter-sectoral focus which climate-resilient agricultural systems require.

This project seeks to analyse the incentives that lead state and market actors in Africa to commit to implementing more climate resilient agricultural approaches and practices, promoting more sustainable and pro-poor outcomes and impacts. It will explore comparatively how countries in East Africa and the Horn of Africa with different governance systems are handling the complex interface between food, energy, water and climate in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals pertaining to these sectors.

Key contacts

Lars Otto Naess

Resource Politics and Environmental Change Cluster Lead

+44 (0)1273 915849

Project details

start date
15 February 2017


Supported by
University of Sussex

About this project