
Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA)

Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA) is a five-year research programme, which builds on more than a decade of research and policy engagement work by the Future Agricultures Consortium. The aim of the project is to produce new information and insights into different pathways to agricultural commercialisation in order to assess their impacts and outcomes on rural poverty, empowerment of women and girls, and food and nutrition security in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The programme will focus on four main objectives:

  1. Generating high-quality evidence on pathways to agricultural commercialisation in Africa, using a rigorous mix of quantitative and qualitative methods;
  2. Undertaking policy research on agricultural commercialisation to fill key evidence gaps and define policy options;
  3. Ensuring the sharing and uptake of research by a diverse range of stakeholders;
  4. Strengthening the capacity of the research team, and associated partner institutions, to deliver policy-relevant research and advice.

Operating across three complimentary work streams, the APRA programme will work in six focal countries, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, with two additional countries, Kenya and Mozambique.

The consortium includes regional hubs at the Centre for African Bio-Entrepreneurship (CABE), Kenya, the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), South Africa, and the University of Ghana, Legon, as well as partners at Lund University, Sweden, and Michigan State University and Tufts University, USA.


Recent work

Impact Story

How IDS research and expertise is influencing policy

How evidence is generated, shared and used underpins our drive to increase equity in knowledge production. We challenge knowledge hierarchies and explore ways to think more deeply about evidence and impact. Over the past year, that impact could be seen in IDS research influencing policy and...

1 August 2023

Working Paper

Living Through a Pandemic: Competing Covid-19 Narratives in Rural Zimbabwe

IDS Working Paper 575

Through a real time analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic across rural Zimbabwe, this Working Paper explores the competing narratives that framed responses and their politics.

9 August 2022

Past Event

Inclusive trade

Trade links: New rules for a new world

In this seminar, James Bacchus explained how to bring the World Trade Organization (WTO) into the twenty-first century, exploring the ways it can be utilized to combat future pandemics and climate change and advance sustainable development, all while continuing to foster free trade. Watch...

16 June 2022

Past Event

Inclusive trade

Trade and poverty: What do we know?

'Trade and poverty’ has absorbed huge amounts of research over the last two decades but it has failed to provide a definitive general answer to the question ‘does increased trade reduce poverty?' Watch now This seminar provided an overview...

17 March 2022