
Backstopping 2SCALE

With the financial support from the Dutch Ministry of Development Cooperation (DGIS), the 2SCALE programme started in June 2012, and is one of the largest incubators of inclusive agribusiness in sub-Saharan Africa. 2SCALE provides a range of support services to private partners – companies and farmer groups – enabling them to produce, transform and supply quality food products to local, national and regional end-user markets, including Base-of-the-Pyramid (BoP) consumers, while at the same time developing fair and sustainable relations with smallholder farmers and other local entrepreneurs.

The 2SCALE programme incubates and accelerates inclusive business through partnerships with companies (mainly African small- and medium-sized enterprises [SMEs] and some Dutch/ international companies) that want to build commercially viable strategies in African food industries. The Partnership Resource Centre (PrC) programme entitled, “Reflection and Learning about How Partnerships Manage Impact and Achieve Scale: Connecting Implementers and Researchers in 2SCALE”, started at the beginning of 2015. The research aimed to support 2SCALE and in particular provide the staff to broker public-private partnerships; to co-design sustainable inclusive business proposals; to design and conduct Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and to nurture learning and coordinated action through local and regional networks (ie, agribusiness clusters, value chains, and advocacy networks). The (Dutch) Partnership Research Centre asked the Centre for Development Impact (CDI) to organise the external peer-review team to quality control their work.

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Programmes and centres
Centre for Development Impact


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Past Event

IDS Bulletin launch: Evaluating the impacts of inclusive business programmes

Development outcomes of inclusive business programmes are not self-evident. These programmes operate in dynamic markets full of uncertainties and depend on many other factors not under their control. Building on real-world experiences with theory-based evaluation in inclusive business...

11 March 2022