The overall objective of the project is to assess current livelihood strategies and options available to vulnerable communities living in different livelihood situations in Darfur, how these have changed over the past 5-6 years, and what opportunities there are for different groups to improve their livelihoods, food security and nutrition in the coming years.
The research is intended to generate rigorous empirical evidence on the dynamics of ongoing and prospective voluntary return, comparing households who return seasonally, those that return permanently, and different displaced population groups. In particular, the project aims to understand the differences in livelihoods, food security and nutrition of returnees and those who stay behind as different population groups are likely to face very different forms of vulnerability.
A team led by IDS is implementing a quantitative survey of individual, household and community-level characteristics, behaviour and attitudes as well as complementary qualitative work (life histories and key informant interviews). These will avail empirical evidence on livelihood, health and nutrition opportunities, constraints to opportunities and processes of decision-making within the IDP population in rural and urban areas as well as the conflict-affected population in rural areas.