
Engendering Men: Evidence on Routes to Change for Gender Equality (EMERGE)

Our goal is to enable stronger leadership for working with boys and men to promote gender equality. We will do this by gathering, inter-relating and analysing evidence and lessons. These will be strategically disseminated in targeted and accessible formats for improved learning, policy and practice.


A wide range of initiatives and interventions now exist for engaging men and boys aimed at increasing men’s support for gender equality and decreasing men’s use of violence against women. Initiatives that seek to change norms, often using collective action, connect up individual, community and institutional levels and target young people are seemingly most effective in this. Not enough, however, is known about

  • what works best when it comes to changing social norms
  • the institutional arrangements and structures which sustain or shift these norms and attitudes
  • ‘which men’ (and women) need to become engaged at different levels, ‘why’ and ‘how’. 

This project aims to review and analyse some of these initiative in order to collect learning and evidence on what works best and why. It will pay particular attention to efforts that go beyond a narrow individualistic programmatic focus and instead attempt to achieve broader and more lasting impact by effecting changes in laws, policies and institutional practices.

Activities and expected outputs

Activities and outputs from this learning and evidence project will include:

  • a comprehensive literature review which form the basis of an annotated bibliography and analytical overview report
  • eight field-based case studies
  • development of a conceptual framework, which will inform online resource guides
  • production of three analytical discussion papers
  • production of a set of four policy briefing documents
  • development of a searchable online library of relevant documents.


This project is managed by a consortium, led by IDS in partnership with Promundo in Brazil and Sonke Gender Justice Network in South Africa.

The project is funded by UK Aid.

Project details

start date
20 January 2014
end date
19 January 2016

