
Global Open Knowledge Hub

The Global Open Knowledge Hub (GOKH) aims to improve the supply and accessibility of content that supports evidence informed policy making and practice by development actors. The project will build on IDS Open Knowledge and Digital Services work and contributes to the UK Government’s Open Data Initiative.

Oriel Open Knowledge Hub logo

Following on from the successful Mobilising Knowledge for Development (MK4D) GOKH will produce the Oriel Open Knowledge Hub, an Open Data platform for sharing and downloading digital content. Raising the profile of diverse perspectives on development and encouraging the contribution of content from the South will be a key aspect of the Hub, recognising that digital divides can be recreated within an Open Data environment.

Through peer support and shared learning, IDS and its partners will increase their capacity to engage and innovate with Open Data and Open Content. IDS’ own knowledge and information services – BLDS, Bridge and Eldis – will be the first to contribute to the hub.

IDS will then be joined by partners who are commited to making their context available as Open Content. Organisations who share the goal of raising the profile of Southern perspectives on development are particularly encouraged to contribute their content.

Since November 2013 Eldis has been working with eight partner organisations to build on the collaborative aspects of the project:

We will be issuing additional calls and inviting new partners to join us in 2014.

Learn more

Read our OK Hub At a Glance factsheet (pdf).

Key contacts

Kelly Shephard

Head of Knowledge, Impact and Policy

+44 (0)1273 915795


OK Hub Factsheet PDF, 135 KB

Project details

start date
1 April 2014
end date
1 April 2016



Recent work