
Position Paper – Social Protection in Fragile and Humanitarian Contexts

This position paper lays out the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) position on social protection and resilience building, with a particular emphasis on protracted crises and fragile and humanitarian contexts.

The paper is situated within the current global climate of i) increased complexity and recurrence of humanitarian crises, ii) limited financial capacity to effectively meet humanitarian appeals and iii) the scaling up of social protection interventions and innovations. Moreover, the paper describes FAO’s internal policy and programming context and the motivation for moving into shock-responsive and integrated social protection and rural development approaches to policy and programming, given the on-going global context.

The paper draws upon a review of FAO’s work on social protection in development and crises, then develops the key aspects of FAO’s approach vis-à-vis social protection in a range of different scenarios. In conclusion, we identify key messages for FAO’s future engagement in this sector.

Project details

start date
1 December 2015
end date
1 April 2017
