ActionAid is implementing the Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment and Rights (POWER) project, a five-year initiative (2016-2020) supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands under the Funding Leadership and Opportunities for Women (FLOW) 2 funding mechanism. The project aims to increase the income of 21,000 women in Ghana, Rwanda and Bangladesh and their ability to control their income, through practicing agroecology, better access to markets and reducing, recognising and redistributing Unpaid Care Work. The project also seeks to address issues related to violence against women and girls through interlinkages with the project focus areas.
IDS is supporting the time diary component of the POWER project. The time diaries are used as sensitization tool and as data collection tool. As a sensitization tool women and men discuss results in groups which raise awareness on unpaid care work, encourage self-reflection and exploration of issues and initiate further discussions. As a data collection tool, a smaller, but statistically significant, sample of the same women and men in each country complete the time diaries twice a year for the duration of the project. The analysis of the time diary data, over time and between men and women, provides information about change and the impact of the project on project participants, measures progress against key project outcome and impact level indicators, demonstrates the impact of the project overall, and is used as a robust evidence base for policy and advocacy work at local, national, regional and international levels.
Applying a strong feminist, intersection and right-based approach, IDS is exploring and generating evidence around differing gendered patterns of time-use between women and men. The overall objective is to undertake advanced quantitative and qualitative analysis of the time diary data, conduct document review and field work in the three countries in order to: understand the nature, process and drivers of time-use and associated social norm change and resultant impacts on project participants; measure overall project progress in this area; and produce evidence to inform ActionAid’s policy and advocacy work.
Visit the ActionAid website for more details on the POWER project