SoNAR-Global is a global consortium led by social scientists specializing in emerging infectious diseases (EID) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). It will build a dynamic, sustainable international social science network to engage the active participation of social sciences and promote complementarity and synergy in the governance of prevention and response to infectious threats. Partnering with major international and regional institutions, it allows for implementation of its activities through a coherent, iterative program that strengthens governance from the start. An open-access platform will be developed to support the SoNAR-Global activities and to share them broadly. That platform will support a global directory of social sciences experts, institutions, networks, and other relevant stakeholders and facilitate collaboration across disciplines, sectors, and regions through regional hub discussion groups and meetings.
To develop new governance models, SoNAR Global will adapt, test, and evaluate vulnerability and community One Health systems assessment tools on the ground. These tools permit us to develop a bottom-up resilience framework for action for infectious threats and AMR. In addition, we will test adaptive dialogued-based engagement models to facilitate collaboration across multiple stakeholders. Together, the scaled-up tools, resilience framework and engagement models will provide social scientists with proven methods for strengthening preparedness and response. To strengthen social sciences capacity, SoNAR-Global will develop, pilot, and evaluate curricula for training social scientists in preparedness and response to infectious threats and through curricular development and piloting social science knowledge of infectious threats among non-social sciences actors. Over time, these curricula will incorporate our tested tools and engagement models. The platform will disseminate, communicate and scale up all tools, frameworks, engagement models and curricula.