
Strengthening Multi-Sectoral and Multi-Stakeholders Platforms (MSP): Design for Effectiveness

The Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) movement is currently the most internationally prominent group promoting nutrition action globally. To achieve its aim of reducing malnutrition in the countries with the highest burden, SUN is supporting the creation of multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) in multiple SUN member countries.

While multi-sectoral coordination is intuitively appealing for a multi-aspect issue such as nutrition, design and planning is beset by lack of a common understanding of what it involves, or how it might best be achieved. The overall objective of this work is therefore to identify and document information on the institutional configurations for MSPs that are most appropriate for achieving national goals on nutrition in different contexts, and develop tools and resources to disseminate best practices for designing MSPs.

Starting with the premise that MSPs are both desirable and achievable, the research will comprise a literature review to uncover best practice in partnerships; a desk review of documents relating to MSP setup and effectiveness in 16 SUN countries; and case study visits to 6 of these countries. The final output will be an interactive website to guide MSP design in the 59 SUN countries.

This work was undertaken by a team at the Institute of Development Studies in collaboration with the SUN Movement Secretariat, with support from Nutrition International, formerly the Micronutrient Initiative (MI), under the Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) project, funded with UK aid from the UK government.

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