Journal Article

Climate Change, Disasters, and Development Post-2015

Published on 11 November 2013

The year 2015 will be pivotal for climate change, disasters, and development. In all three areas, new international frameworks are due to be agreed to guide policy and action. These include the framework and targets to take forward the current Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the second phase of the Hyogo Framework for Action to make the world safer from natural hazards, and a new comprehensive UNFCCC agreement on international climate change action.

While these develop in parallel, it is crucial that the three frameworks are linked up such that poverty and social justice concerns are reflected in climate change and disasters frameworks, and tackling climate change and natural hazards is integrated into development targets, policy and planning. This collection of articles from IDS Bulletins from the past few decades provides insights for the development of these international policy frameworks. In particular they highlight the importance of:

  • Linking up concepts, frameworks, policy and communities of practice (see articles by Longhurst, Yamin et al., Tanner and Mitchell, Urban, Tanner and Allouche)
  • Integrating climate change and disasters issues in wider development policy processes at international and national levels (Kjellén, Urban, Shankland and Chambote, Raghunandan)
  • Examining who takes part in these processes and whose voices are heard (Page, Polack, Tanner and Allouche, Shankland and Chambote)

Our hope is that learning from this scholarship provides some useful perspective for policy going forward. View all of the articles for free.

Table of contents

Conceptual Frameworks for Linking Relief and Development Volume 25, Issue 4, 1994 Richard Longhurst Developing Countries in International Negotiations: How they Influence Trade and Climate Change Negotiations Volume 35, Issue 1, 2004 Sheila Page

Pathways to the Future: The New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development Volume 35, Issue 3, 2004 Bo Kjellén

Vulnerability, Adaptation and Climate Disasters: A Conceptual Overview Volume 36, Issue 4, 2005 Farhana Yamin, Atiq Rahman and Saleemul Huq

‘Entrenchment or Enhancement: Could Climate Change Adaptation Help to Reduce Chronic Poverty?’ Volume 39, Issue 4, 2008 Thomas Tanner and Tom Mitchell

A Right to Adaptation: Securing the Participation of Marginalised Groups Volume 39, Issue 4, 2008 Emily Polack The MDGs and beyond: Can low carbon development be pro-poor? Volume 41, Issue 1, 2010 Frauke Urban

Towards a New Political Economy of Climate Change and Development Volume 42, Issue 3, 2011 Thomas Tanner and Jeremy Allouche

Prioritising PPCR Investments in Mozambique: The Politics of ‘Country Ownership’ and ‘Stakeholder Participation’ Volume 42, Issue 3 Alex Shankland and Raul Chambote

India’s Climate Policy: Squaring the Circle Volume 43, Issue s1, 2012 D. Raghunandan


Lars Otto Naess

Resource Politics and Environmental Change Cluster Lead

Publication details

published by
Tanner, T. and Naess, L. O.
IDS Virtual Bulletin, issue 4


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