
Low Carbon Innovation Paths in Asia and Europe

Published on 28 October 2016

The current technological shift from high to low carbon development coincides with a geographical shift: the rapid expansion of green production and innovation capacity in China and India.

This constellation gives rise to the question: to what extent, how and why do the innovation paths in Europe and in Asia differ? The articles in this Special Issue focus on this overall question and present the findings of new comparative research on renewable energy and electromobility.

The articles are particularly concerned with the role of public policy in shaping the innovation paths. The contributors, though, avoid mono-causal explanations and explore the complex and evolving inter-relationships between public policy and other determinants such as national context and corporate strategies.

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Altenburg, T.; Sagar, A.; Schmitz, H. and Xue, L. (eds) (2016) ‘Low Carbon Innovation Paths in Asia and Europe’ – Special Virtual Issue of Science and Public Policy 43.4


Hubert Schmitz

Emeritus Fellow

Publication details

Altenburg, T., Sagar, A., Schmitz, H. and Xue, L.
Special Virtual Issue of Science and Public Policy, volume 43, issue 4


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