
‘Nurture the Sprouting Bud; Do Not Uproot It’. Using Saving Groups to Save for Maternal and Newborn Health: Lessons from Rural Eastern Uganda

Published on 18 August 2017

Saving groups are increasingly being used to save in many developing countries. However, there is limited literature about how they can be exploited to improve maternal and newborn health.

This paper describes saving practices, factors that encourage and constrain saving with saving groups, and lessons learnt while supporting communities to save through saving groups. This qualitative study was done in three districts in Eastern Uganda. Saving groups were identified and provided with support to enhance members’ access to maternal and newborn health. Fifteen focus group discussions (FGDs) and 18 key informant interviews (KIIs) were conducted to elicit members’ views about saving practices. Document review was undertaken to identify key lessons for supporting saving groups. Qualitative data are presented thematically.

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Elizabeth Ekirapa-Kiracho, Ligia Paina, Rornald Muhumuza Kananura, Aloysius Mutebi, Pacuto Jane, Juliet Tumuhairwe, Moses Tetui & Suzanne N Kiwanuka (2017) ‘Nurture the sprouting bud; do not uproot it’. Using saving groups to save for maternal and newborn health: lessons from rural Eastern Uganda, Global Health Action, 10:sup4, 1347311, DOI:10.1080/16549716.2017.1347311

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Taylor & Francis
Ekirapa-Kiracho, E. et al.


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