
IDS Evidence Report 90

Policy Options to Enhance Markets for Nutrient-Dense Foods in Tanzania

Published on 1 August 2014

There is an urgent need to reduce alarming rates of undernutrition in Tanzania. This report analyses options for policies and interventions to improve the functioning of markets that deliver nutrient-dense foods. Currently, a set of constraints inhibit businesses from making nutrient-dense foods that reach the poor. These constraints affect businesses across the spectrum, from small enterprises to large corporations, and impact on a range of food products.

This report examines the case for why government and development actors in Tanzania should act to overcome these constraints. It asks how these actors might intervene by looking at five broad strategies, including various forms of regulation and public–private partnership. While no single strategy can address all the constraints completely, different interventions can address some of them and benefit certain populations.

For any strategy, the first steps should be to identify the primary constraints facing a particular market and assess whether a particular approach will overcome them. The report outlines specific options for each intervention strategy, aimed at national government, donors, private-sector and non-profit organisations working in Tanzania.

This analysis is based on evidence collected using multiple qualitative methods, including an extensive desk review and interviews with stakeholders in 17 organisations.

Cite this publication

Robinson, E.; Temu, A.; Waized, B.; Ndyetabula, D.; Humphrey, J. and Henson, S. (2014) Policy Options to Enhance Markets for Nutrient-Dense Foods in Tanzania, IDS Evidence Report 90, Brighton: IDS


John Humphrey

Professorial Fellow

Spencer Henson

Professorial Fellow

Publication details

published by
Robinson, E., Temu, A., Waized, B., Ndyetabula, D., Humphrey, J. and Henson, S.
IDS Evidence Report, issue 90


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