
IDS Evidence Report 197

Reducing Violence in a Time of Global Uncertainty: Insights from the Institute of Development Studies Addressing and Mitigating Violence Programme

Published on 1 June 2016

This Evidence Report details key insights from the Institute of Development Studies Addressing and Mitigating Violence programme, which involved detailed political analysis of dynamics of violence as well as efforts to reduce and prevent violent conflict across a number of countries and areas in sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.

In particular, the evidence highlighted here is from violent settings that do not neatly fit categories of ‘war’ or ‘peace’. The findings of these studies, published as a series of open-access reports, Policy Briefings and blogs, were discussed by conflict and security experts as well as thinkers from aid and advocacy organisations at a consultative session in London in November 2015.

This report uses evidence from the programme to critically reflect on policy and programming policy approaches for reducing violence. Specifically, it provides a synthesis of findings around these themes: (1) the nature of violence and how it might be changing; (2) the connectivity of actors across levels and space; and (3) the significance of identities and vulnerabilities for understanding and responding to violence. The report concludes by examining the implications of the research for the violence reduction paradigm.

Cite this publication

Lind, J.; Mitchell, B. and Rohwerder, B. (2016) Reducing Violence in a Time of Global Uncertainty: Insights from the Institute of Development Studies Addressing and Mitigating Violence Programme, IDS Evidence Report 197, Brighton: IDS


Jeremy Lind

Professorial Fellow

Rebecca Mitchell

Postgraduate Researcher and Programme Manager

Brigitte Rohwerder

Research Officer

Publication details

published by
Lind, J., Mitchell, B. and Rohwerder, B.
IDS Evidence Report, issue 197


About this publication

Programmes and centres
Addressing and mitigating violence

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