Journal Article

Supply and demand restrictions to education in conflict-affected countries: New research and future agendas

Published on 1 January 2016

This paper reviews an emerging body of micro-level research on the impact of violent conflict on child educational outcomes, with the aim of identifying key supply-and demand-side bottlenecks that shape the expansion and effectiveness of education systems in conflict-affected countries.

Supply-side restrictions include the destruction of infrastructure and resources, displacement and distributional effects. On the demand side, poverty, adverse health shocks, low returns to education, child soldiering and fear and trauma result in severe restrictions to the resumption of child education among those exposed to armed violence.

Based on this framework, the paper identifies avenues for future research on key mechanisms that may break through critical supply and demand barriers to education in the aftermath of armed conflict, and support enabling environments for more effective education systems in conflict-affected countries.


Patricia Justino

Professorial Fellow

Publication details

published by
Justino, P.
International Journal of Educational Development


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