Journal Article


A Child-Sensitive Approach to Social Protection: Serving Practical and Strategic Needs

Published on 1 October 2012

The last two decades have seen increased acknowledgement of the importance of issues surrounding child poverty, vulnerability and well-being and the need for a special focus within the development and poverty reduction debate to address these issues. Child poverty is widely recognised to have far-reaching short-term and long-term adverse impacts on income, education, health and other areas of well-being. With social protection having established itself as a core function of development policy, it is increasingly being considered as an integral part of the response to child poverty and vulnerability in low- and middle-income countries.


Keetie Roelen

IDS Honorary Associate

Rachel Sabates-Wheeler

Research Fellow

Publication details

published by
The Policy Press
Roelen, K. and Sabates-Wheeler, R.
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, volume 20, issue 3


About this publication

Programmes and centres
Centre for Social Protection

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