

Another Path to Customs Reform: Mexico’s Second Inspection

Published on 1 January 2000

This paper presents two theses about reforming customs administration in developing countries. First, that modern customs systems increasingly rely on documentary audit rather than physical control and that the private sector can improve the information needed to strengthen audit. Second, that reform of customs administration in developing countries requires building both accountability and efficiency. The widespread use of Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) services by developing countries and Mexico’s innovative privatized second inspection supports the first thesis and Mexico’s experience with privatizing a key layer of its customs administration supports the second thesis.

This paper examines Mexico’s recently introduced Second Customs Inspection which is a novel approach of using private firms to improve the accountability of a customs system. The Second Inspection is uniquely poised to improve both physical control and documentary audit in Mexico’s customs by clearly defining the inspection as “rough justice.” “Rough justice”” is an approach to physical customs inspection that recognizes the limitations oftime and space of customs inspections prior to detailed documentary audit. Rough justice is an approach to customs administration that promotes systematic but selective review of contents and documents in the front end of the customs process (inspection) that can be done within reasonable time limits that do not unduly delay trade.


Stephen Peterson

Research Fellow

Publication details

published by
Taylor and Francis
Peterson, S.
International Journal of Public Administration, volume 23, issue 12


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