
IDS Bulletin Vol. 21 Nos. 2

B. How a Major Creditor Views the New Proposals

Published on 1 April 1990

SUMMARY The articles by Jolyon Larkman, Sir Kit McMahon and Sir Jeremy Morse all evaluate critically the Brady Proposals. RESUME Les articles de Jolyon Larkman, Sir Kit McMahon et Sir Jeremy Morse font tous une évaluation critique des propositions Brady. RESUMEN Los artículos de Jolyon Larkman, Sir Kit McMahon y Sir Jeremy Morse constituyen una evaluación crítica de la propuesta Brady.

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Larkman, J. (1990) B. How a Major Creditor Views the New Proposals. IDS Bulletin 21(2): 50-51

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published by
Institute of Development Studies
Larkman, Jolyon


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