
IDS Evidence Report 136

Can Targeted Transition Services for Young Offenders Foster Pro-Social Attitudes and Behaviours in Urban Settings? Evidence from the Evaluation of the Kherwadi Social Welfare Association’s Yuva Parivartan Programme

Published on 1 May 2015

In Maharashtra, state-sponsored programmes that support school dropouts and young offenders in finding employment and integrating into society are severely limited by a lack of resources and capacity.

While several government-sponsored schemes do exist, in reality, however, support for school dropouts is largely provided on an ad hoc basis, and predominantly by non-governmental organisations. In this context, we conducted a mixed-methods evaluation of Kherwadi Social Welfare Association’s Yuva Parivartan programme. This is one of the largest non-governmental interventions directed towards school dropouts and juvenile offenders.

The overarching evaluation question adopted was ‘Can targeted preventive action and access to employment for school dropouts act as a preventive measure against delinquency and crime?’ The following five programme-specific Sub-Questions (SQ) were used for evaluation purposes:

SQ1: Is the Yuva Parivartan (YP) programme effective at imparting on youth a set of prosocial values that are consistent with job-seeking and crime-avoidance behaviours?

SQ2: Are the benefits of the YP programme reaching the population who self-report committing a crime?

SQ3: Does the YP programme lead to pro-social behavioural changes?

SQ4: Is there a relationship between attitudes towards aggressive and/or violent behaviour, entitlement, anti-social intent and employment outcomes?

SQ5: Does the YP programme manage to instil a feeling of confidence among the trainees about their future prospects of finding a job?

Cite this publication

Gupte, J.; Tranchant, J.-P. and Mitchell, B. (2015) Can Targeted Transition Services for Young Offenders Foster Pro-Social Attitudes and Behaviours in Urban Settings? Evidence from the Evaluation of the Kherwadi Social Welfare Association’s Yuva Parivartan Programme, IDS Evidence Report 136, Brighton: IDS


Jaideep Gupte

Research Fellow

Jean-Pierre Tranchant

Research Fellow

Rebecca Mitchell

Postgraduate Researcher and Programme Manager

Publication details

published by
Gupte, J., Tranchant, J-P. and Mitchell, B.
IDS Evidence Report, issue 136


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Programmes and centres
Addressing and mitigating violence

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