
Changing Narratives of Sexuality

Published on 7 May 2014

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Changing Narratives of Sexuality engages with women’s sexuality exploring marginal as well as dominant stories in which sexuality may figure overtly or covertly as the subject. This impressive collection brings together a broad range of arenas in which sexuality is embedded.

From storytelling to women’s engagement within institutions in the state, the narratives of unmarried women and stories of religious influence on women’s subjectivities and sexualities, stories on television and in print media. Sexuality is explored in a wide range of national contexts in the global South – Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, Nigeria, Palestine, South Africa. Exploring these different narratives of sexuality, told by and about women, the book examines tensions and contradictions in the constructions of gender, sexuality, and women’s empowerment, and analyses what scope exists for women to subvert repressive norms and conceptions of heterosexuality, in varying disciplinary and geopolitical contexts.

Publication details

published by
Zed Books
Pereira, C.
978 1 78360 012 0


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