
IDS Evidence Report 218

China–UK–Africa Trilateral Cooperation on Trade and Investment: Prospects and Challenges for Partnership for Africa’s Development

Published on 1 January 2017

This study was conducted in the context of the China–UK Cooperation on African Trade and Investment for Poverty Reduction. It focuses on the evolution of bilateral relations between China and the UK towards trilateral relations with Africa and on building a framework for future cooperation.

Special attention is given to infrastructure, agriculture and trade facilitation. It analyses the current engagement of Kenya and South Africa with the UK and China. Main findings and recommendations are that South Africa and Kenya should be linked more to global value chains and to raise the awareness of it as a possible outsourcing destination. Reducing non-tariff barriers between the countries could generate positive impact for local livelihoods and welfare-enhancing effects. Sharing more information and enhancing transparency is recommended for further success in the trilateral cooperation.

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Gu, J., Holmes, P., Rollo, J. and Snell, S. with Mendez-Parra, M. and Procopio, M. (2017) China–UK–Africa Trilateral Cooperation on Trade and Investment: Prospects and Challenges for Partnership for Africa’s Development, IDS Evidence Report 218, Brighton: IDS.


Jing Gu

Research Fellow, Centre Director

Maddalena Procopio

Research Officer

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published by
Gu, J., Holmes, P., Rollo, J. and Snell, S. with Mendez-Parra, M. and Procopio, M.
IDS Evidence Report, issue 218


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