
FAC Working Paper 29

Conceptualising Graduation from Agricultural Input Subsidies in Malawi

Published on 1 December 2011

The government of Malawi has been implementing a large-scale Farm Input Subsidy Programme (FISP) since 2005/06 as an intervention aimed at improving food security by addressing resource poor smallholder farmers’ affordability constraints in purchasing inorganic fertilizers. However, in the design of the programme, there is lack of articulation on the graduation of some farmers from the subsidy over time. This paper considers ways in which the concept of graduation may be usefully applied to the FISP and sets out a broad conceptualisation of graduation for potential application in programme design and implementation

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Chirwa, Ephraim W. et al (2011) Conceptualising Graduation from Agricultural Input Subsidies in Malawi, FAC Working Paper 29, Brighton: Future Agricultures Consortium


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