
UKHIH Synthesis Paper

Confronting New Realities: Actions and Priorities for the International Community in Afghanistan

Published on 23 May 2022

This paper summarises the consultations, findings and recommendations of the workshops and published papers under the Afghanistan Strategic Learning Initiative (ASLI).

The ASLI has been convened and supported by the UK Humanitarian Innovation Hub (UKHIH) as a cross-think-tank project in partnership with leading think-tanks: the Center for Global Development (CGD), Chatham House, the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), ODI, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development-Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC).

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Bowden, M.; Hakimi, H. and Ramalingam, B. (2022) Confronting New Realities: Actions and Priorities for the International Community in Afghanistan, UKHIH Synthesis Paper, UK Humanitarian Innovation Hub

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UK Humanitarian Innovation Hub


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Programmes and centres
Humanitarian Learning Centre

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