
Country Ownership, Stakeholder Participation and the Political Economy of Priority-Setting in the Mozambique Pilot Program for Climate Resilience

Published on 1 March 2011

Mozambique has been included in the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR), a flagship component of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) managed by the World Bank along with other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs).

PPCR’s declared aim is to help poor countries to make the strategic investments needed to deal with the challenge of climate change and to “catalyze a transformational shift” that can “strengthen capacities at the national levels to integrate climate resilience into development planning” (CIF 2009a, p. 1).

PPCR initiatives are designed to operate in two phases, with Phase 1 consisting of a 3- 18 month period of preparatory work culminating in the preparation of a “Strategic Program for Climate Resilience” (SPCR) and Phase 2 consisting of a period of up to five years in which this plan will be implemented through a mix of grant- and loan-funded investments.

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Chambote, R. and Shankland, A.


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