During the 1980s, new concepts and policies have emerged to explain and combat poverty, inequality, and social disintegration. Within Europe, ‘social exclusion’ has rapidly become part of debates on deprivation. This debate has mostly taken place in developed countries but it closely mirrors the debate on ‘poverty’ in developing countries, especially when it stresses the multi-dimensionality of deprivation, the psycho-social elements of poverty, and agency and participation.
This bibliography is inspired by the strong belief that there are important gains to be made by comparing and contrasting the debates on poverty and social exclusion, and making connections between the North and South. Included in this bibliography are references to conceptual issues; new approaches to deprivation; and sectoral and case-studies in such areas as food, health, child poverty, and labour markets. There is considerable attention to the policy implications of a social exclusion approach, and how they differ from poverty reduction strategies.