
Hanoi B93 Clubs Evaluation

Published on 1 October 2007

Evaluation report of the B93 club system, a pilot program for community-vased drug treatment in Vietnam.

In 2001, the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (DOLISA) of Hanoi created a program for long-term aftercare, establishing a pilot program for community-based drug treatment, the B93 club system. These clubs targeted former residents of state drug rehabilitation centers reintegrating into the community.

Six years after the pilot project’s inception, DOLISA, the administrative body in charge of B93 clubs, noted that the B93 model has encountered various challenges and does not attain its set purpose. DOLISA therefore initiated a self-evaluation in January 2007. This self-evaluation is the function of DOLISA’s willingness to transparently investigate the B93 project’s shortcomings as well as a reflection of DOLISA’s attempt to find solutions to ongoing problems with the B93 model.


Pauline Oosterhoff

Research Fellow

Publication details

published by
Department of Labor
Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (DOLISA) Hanoi, Oosterhoff, P., Miller, N. and Tran Viet Anh
