Journal Article

Heirloom Rice in Ifugao: An ‘Anti-Commodity’ in the Process of Commodification

Published on 19 April 2017

We analyse the marketing of ‘heirloom rices’ produced in the Cordillera mountains of northern Luzon, the Philippines, as the commodification of a historical ‘anti-commodity’. We contend that, historically, rice was produced for social, cultural and spiritual purposes but not primarily for sale or trade.

The Ifugaos were able to sustain terraced wet-rice cultivation within a system of ‘escape agriculture’ because they were protected from Spanish interference by the friction of terrain and distance. ‘Heirloom rice’ is a boundary concept that enables social entrepreneurs to commodify traditional landraces. We analyse the implications for local rice production and conservation efforts.


Dominic Glover

Rural Futures Cluster Lead

Publication details

Glover, G. and Stone, G.D.
The Journal of Peasant Studies


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