
Innovations for Universal Health Coverage: A South-South Collaboration to Transform Health Systems in Africa and India

Published on 11 June 2018

The Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), Amref Health Africa and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) have agreed to collaborate in an effort to explore ways that technological innovations can contribute to government strategies for making progress towards universal health coverage (UHC). This means substantially increasing access by those whose basic health care needs are not being met. This report presents the outcome of a meeting held in Bengaluru, India. At this meeting, people with direct experience of different aspects of the development, piloting and taking to scale of technological innovations in India and a number of African countries explored the factors that influence this process.

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Balasubramaniam, P.; Rao, N.; Sharma, G.; Maraganty, P.; Sathyanarayana, T. N.; Lakew, D.; Karua, F.; Bloom, G.; Ebata, A. and Gatellier, K. (2018) Innovations for Universal Health Coverage: A South-South Collaboration to Transform Health Systems in Africa and India, Innovations for Universal Health Coverage Collaboration, Delhi: Public Health Foundation of India


Gerald Bloom

Research Fellow

Ayako Ebata

Research Fellow

Karine Gatellier

Nutrition Convenor

Priya Balasubramaniam
Gina Sharma
Neethi Rao
Pranav Maraganty
TN Sathyanarayana
Desta Lakew
Frasia Karua

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