Journal Article

IDS Bulletin 37.5

Introduction: Sexuality Matters

Published on 1 October 2006

I work a lot on issues of sexuality and sexual rights. And every time I mention that in the context of India, I am told that the community is not ready for it, in a country where poverty is so high why do we need to talk of sexuality; this is a western notion and I am English speaking and that is why I have all these ideas.

Frankly everyone has sex, or wants to have sex, or is moaning the lack of it, so shouldn’t we be talking about it? (Menon 2006)

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IDS Bulletin 37.5


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Cornwall, A. and Jolly, S. (2006) Introduction: Sexuality Matters. IDS Bulletin 37(5): 1-11


Honorary Associate

Susie Jolly

Honorary Associate

Publication details

IDS Bulletin, volume 37, issue 5


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